Monday 30 April 2012

Space Marine!

Today our tutors intel was to seek and destroy (with our pens!) a badass space marine. We had 2 hours and i was pretty happy with the outcome, would of loved to carry this on a maybe even colour it at some point.

EDIT: A slightly different coloured version also, and a little upgraded. Not 100% sure if i like the "finished" outcome.

Monday 23 April 2012

Sam Nielson - Quick redo

Today we had to quickly re do a piece by Sam Nielson just to get the basics down on lighting and forms.

Today boys playing with 'wood'

Monday 16 April 2012


Our mission today was to complete some form of scary rabbit in two and an half hours.

Mankind is not safe.  

Sunday 15 April 2012

Newt-fishing thing?

Another task was to colour and paint a pre-drawn character and follow a series of tutorial videos. 

Basic guidelines and form 

..with added colour!

I'm not overly pleased as i just couldn't get the right effect and got frustrated, want to go back to this on a later date.

..more random sketches.

Some heads/face practice. 

Don't ask.

For some reason he refused to face the other way.

Meet Herbert.Jr

Just some little sketches of Herbet.Jr, don't mess him about or he will gladly wear your face in all his bad quality glory (Sorry about that)

Tree/Bark designed character.

Our mission was to create a character/creature that was inspired by trees and bark. Here are some first sketches of my woodland friend.

After a lot of leaf eating and tree grinding, natures guardian was born.

 Quite happy with end piece and defiantly used some new techniques to get this end effect.