Sunday 30 September 2012

Weekly Photoshop assignment - Tentacles!

Before jumping to sketching some designs, i did standard research on various artist to gather ideas.
I was excited to do this as there are many different routes and loads of design possibilities. 
Octopus, squids and the like are pretty fun to draw, suckers, spikes, goo and many arms.I tried by thinking what creatures would have tentacles and how that would affect the way the tentacle looks.
Here is where i started designing different compositions and page layouts, quite a few designs here that i wish i did instead of my final. 
Here i tried several techniques and colour schemes that i might use in my final design. Sketching some suckers and wrapped around tentacles. 
The first main rough stage i got too, most of the values and shadows are in place. My vision was to try and produce a cartoon with realism, defining extra detail and gore that wouldn't normally fit with a cartoon styled design.
I felt after the initial stage that i had trouble colouring on top of the greyed version i had before. Using Photoshop techniques like using an overlay layer, seemed to give it a washed out look. Wasn't sure where else to go with it other then add more detail, i think the main thing i need to learn is using a wider range of colours to bring out the contrasting values more. I think in the future i will try going straight in with colour and see if i achieve desired effect. 

Friday 28 September 2012

The house that god built.

Here are some of the uvw maps that i started to do. This is when things were going okay.

Yup, going okay so far.

Slap on some textures.
...then the house died.

I literally crashed, burned, raged and died inside. Eventually i gave up due to time contrants also. 

Thursday 27 September 2012

Demonstrating basic lighting skills.

Here is an example of three point lighting, the model was already provided but that task was  to set more of a scene using a Key light, Fill light and a back light. 
Quite enjoyed fiddling around to get desired effect. 
This took me a little longer to get the hang of, getting the lighting right behind the archway was most annoying. Maybe bit more practice to get it right but i was okay with this version. 

Low poly sci-fi gun - 1500 Triangles.

Under 1500 triangles? Mission complete!

After i done the model i wish i spent more time using up those extra polys to add more detail. Would of enjoyed spending more time on this.

Side view.

Somehow along the way, alot of quality was lost.

Penasaur, texturing/mapping.

This is my finished dinosaur map, was quite happy with finally outcome but had a lot of fun. I started having fun with it once i could distinguish what goes where. I could of spent many more hours polishing it up but in the end i was chuffed with it like this. 

He is happy to see you.

Textured/painted underbelly and nails.

Side view
Screenshot of Photoshop and 3ds max, working in perfect matrimony.

Somehow along the way, quality was left behind. (Was better before, i swear) 

Sunday 2 September 2012

Go, water type!

Once again, just a little mess around on Photoshop. Not that great, could add loads more to it to be honest.
Was just mainly to see if i still 'had' it, obviously i barely have.

Note to self: Should really try and finish a full piece!