Friday 1 March 2013

3D practices.

For this topology task we had to model the Nightcrawler you see above. 
For this i decided to try and do it without using image plane as reference. Using box modelling and the edge loop tool i shaped the overall body and extruded out arms and legs for desired result. 
At this stage i was very happy with what i had, the topology on the legs are arms i thought worked well and wasn't too cluttered like past pieces of work. 

I really enjoyed doing this piece (As nightcrawler is a badass)  I was pretty happy with the overall topology and i think i managed to keep it all quads. I feel much more confident in modelling lately and after doing this, obviously i ruined the whole thing with the terrible head but of course that is something else that i must learn and practice in time. ALSO forgot to do the tail, would love to go back to this and maybe even texture him at some point. 

Early stage of the Minotaur model, was going well at this stage, not too much polys and got the correct shape.
Front view

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