Thursday 7 February 2013

Modelling Characters!

as this little project we have been told to polish up on our body modeling skills, so what a great way to practice then to modeling our very own 3d avatar. Digijez, go!
Using image planes of myself as reference i started box modelling myself 
(didn't have any screens prior to this)
Happy with it so far, more is needed to give it a more smoother look and head needs to be added.
topology and anatomy is going 'okay' just need to build more apon.
 Side view
 Worked on this more and has added more loops and smoothed off the whole thing a little more. I learned a lot from this task, one of the problems i had was not have a good optimized shape to begin with, this really help when added edge loop because you can limit yourself and only add when needed. In the future i will remember to keep optimized as early as possible to save time and hassle later on. 
 My start on a face

Test model - Modelling test
For this we got told to replicate the picture on the right in class quickly. Quick 10 minute model and i believe that it came out pretty similar to the desired result.

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