Wednesday 30 January 2013

Sci-Fi Turret 3D paintover

First i decided to look at plasma gun designs, alien looking turrets of the sorts. These are what most of my designs turned out like, mainly as one big cannon. Beefy.

Here are some designs of what i might do, i didn't really like the smaller army typical looking designs so i elaborated more of one of the cannon type turrets.

This was the first stand for the turret i designed, quite liked it but didn't really have much to work with, couldn't think of what sort of design would fit with it.
Starting in Maya i began on the base first to work out how the gun would stand, simply extruding and playing around with a cube to get a nice looking support.

Began with the turret as a basic blocked out shape
 just so i could get the overall idea of the shape i wanted.

at this stage quite a lot of improvements and detail started to take place.

Lighting and camera set-up

                      using pre made text or selected font i manipulated the text it the correct perspective.

Here is the final result. I am quite pleased with the model before the paintover but maybe more detail and shape could of be added. For the paintover i should've spent more time deciding a better colour scheme to give the turret more character. Background of course would not be final outcome and felt like i completely killed it. Other then that this was an enjoyable task what i will try to attempt again in the future using the same techniques..

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