Wednesday 16 January 2013

Weekly Photoshop assignment - Wrinkles...

Wrinkles moodboard, i liked the idea of some wise old man. Maybe a buddish. Or a big beard, beards are good.  
Few sketches of old men, was planning on doing the idea of a cloaked man. Maybe master Sensi, wax on. wax off. The idea of wrinkles made me really look into how the skin is formed around a face and made me think about where on the face wrinkles are likely to appear and why.
I started by blocking out the basic head, getting the shadows and form in before i started. This time i actually tried going on straight with colour. 
added few shadows and details, got my colour palette set up as-well so i can could get nice contrasting colour and a good colour scheme 
Even more detail and lighting, really started working on the wrinkles here and getting some of the bounced lighting off them.
New eyes and more colour
Preying hands. Praise the lord.

Didn't know what one looked best but i liked the final outcome either way. Maybe could of worked on the shadows and lighting a bit more and his left shoulder does look a little out of place. Would like to work on a background at some point in the future, whatever would fit. Either way i think the composition is fairly decent and i am please with the outcome. Shall defiantly use the skills and techniques i learned here and apply to my work in the future. 

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