Wednesday 23 January 2013

Alien landscape

This weeks brief was focused on designing and creating alien plants around the environment and landscape they would belong in. I liked the idea of venus fly traps and plants that defend themselves so i looked heavily on dangerous plants and this gave me most of my inspiration.

I started drawing many designs, i liked the idea of a viney and dangerous plant that many attracts others with fruit or berries. I was also looking in to some sort of egg design that was rooted into the ground, this would be how it would feed and would this was a interesting concept. 

I then decided to do some silhouettes taking human scale into account and how they would weight up to a standard male height. 
This was the main idea i liked so i added some detail and some other colour effects.
I started to model and design this plant in Mudbox.
before i knew it this started to prove difficult and my computer simply could not handle it.
Program crashed, in the future i shall make a basic mesh first to save myself more time later on because of this the program crashed.
Unfortunately it appears that i had quite a few problems with mudbox, i believe it might be because i got to the point where i had to constantly subdivide to get any sort of detail, after a while my pc died. In the future i should try making a basic mesh in maya first and see if mudbox handles that any better. 

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