Monday 26 November 2012

Weekly Photoshop assignment - Santa Christmas card special!

This weeks plan was a design a Santa Christmas card. Big mood board to inspire and generate ideas.
I liked the idea of a 'cool' Santa, or a stylized Santa, i liked the shape and deign of the lower sketch. This was my main influence and choice on design for the majority of the my final piece. 

My first draft was blocked out with the basic colours and a simple silhouette, quite liked the pose and the general layout so my final design looked pretty similar to this. The tools i used was just the lasso tool to quickly achieve a blocked out main shape. 
 Started again based on my first rough draft, started with grey scale to get the values and shadows in. I thought it was coming along quite nicely at this point. I was also happy with the composition and the overall layout, I wanted a heroic pose with under proportioned body, carrying a giant sack of goodies. 

Added in the same and most of the little details, didn't really know where to go with it after this but i was pretty please with it. 

Here are my (two) final pieces  i personally wasn't too fond of the colour and knew that i completely ruined it and didn't know anyway around it so here is grayscaled version too.  The coloured version again came out looking washed out, i believe this is once again because i did grey scale first. In the future i would like to attempt this again but doing it straight with colour. The floor could of also had a bit of work to give the picture volume and not soo flat.

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