Wednesday 5 December 2012

Sculpting assignment - Sculpting a dragon!

Here are dragon heads that i was looking at, really liked some of these designs and wanted to do a big kickass beast, thick jaws, sharp teeth and spiked backs.

                                                   .... Then decided to do a Chinese dragon, yeah!
Some early ideas and concepts.
Here i tried doing a simple, friendly dragon to warm up a little. 
Tried going for the more serious approach here, didn't really like the outcome so this was when i decided to do a Chinese dragon, obviously because they are much cooler. 
Another quick mock up and it come out looking like Disneys dinosaur. Might like to work more on this in the future. 
 Here was the start and the basic layout of the Chinese dragon i wanted to sculpt. I made sure at this stage i was 100% sure of the size and shape of my dragon before i added any more detail. 
 Muscle tones and extra detail on the head were added.

Finally added some legs and more muscle structure.
  Side view.
 I was happy with what i had on the head so fair but if i was to go back i would add much more detail, including tiny bumps and scraps, veins and scales.

I was very happy with my final design and really enjoying sculpting for the first time, i learned quite a lot and realised the amount of detail you can get from sculpting. I will enjoy in the future to practice more sculpting and maybe going back to this to do more. In the future i should remember to model a basic mesh first to save time and to get the starting shape quicker.

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